Tuesday, June 07, 2011

I've been having a fever the past couple of nights,
but the ironic thing is that I'm all well in the day.
So that kinda sucks since I can't take medical leave.

Anyway I'm proud to say that I'm into my last three weeks of working at PwC.
Honestly, despite how dreadful (or not) the past six months have been,
I can't quite figure if I'd have otherwise made better use of my time.

And some of my more important decisions in life,
like applying for law school or even signing up for driving lessons,
might not have come to fruition without guidance and support from my dear colleagues,
in particular Penny.

And of course other important things to me,
like being closer to Corinne because of our numerous lunch dates together,
and the many many friends who visited me during lunch time.

Undeniably, it might not have been the best six months,
but it's been good enough for me.

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